As a college located in Wales, we think it is important to celebrate our heritage and be proactive in helping our learners use their Welsh language skills both in and outside the classroom – whether they are fluent Welsh speakers or only know ‘tipyn bach’ (a little bit).

Retaining Welsh language skills can be a real advantage in the future as speaking Welsh is increasingly valued as an additional skill in the workplace.

So, what do you need to know about Welsh at St David’s College? These pages contain all the latest information.

Studying through the medium of Welsh or bilingually

There are certain things you can study through the medium of Welsh or bilingually (subject to viable numbers):

  • Bilingual Welsh Baccalaureate groups at AS and A Level
  • A-level and AS level in Welsh (Second Language)
  • A-level and AS level in Music
  • A Welsh-medium Maths GCSE resit class

Help and support

What can St David’s College do to help you maintain or improve your Welsh language skills?

  • Access to a host of resources provided by the College
  • Glossaries of bilingual subject-specific terms
  • Opportunities for learners who speak Welsh to use and develop their language skills in an informal way by attending our Welsh club: Clebran
  • A calendar of Welsh language and Welsh-themed events throughout the year
  • An opportunity for Welsh speakers to be employed as Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Welsh Ambassadors.
  • Opportunities for learners to improve their Welsh (dependant on numbers)

Want to find out more?

Mrs N. Edwards

If you should need any help with using the Welsh language here in St David’s College then please contact me using the details below. Part of my job is to ensure that every student has full access to the curriculum. I ensure that individuals who join us from Welsh language schools have the support they need to transition into English language teaching, encourage the use of the Welsh language from day to day and promote awareness of our history and culture

Room: TH1