Each year over 400 students progress to university. We are here to support you through making that step, and there are many opportunities available to you, to make a good decision.
Lower Sixth
During your first year at St David’s you will have career and university advice available to you. This includes progression advice from your Pastoral Tutor, access to opportunities through the destinations team, and support on beginning your UCAS application towards the end of your first year.
By the end of your first year, you should begin researching courses and universities, familiarise yourself with the websites and resources, and begin creating your UCAS account.
Upper Sixth
In the Upper Sixth, you are allocated a Progression Mentor. This member of staff is responsible for helping you make decisions about your progression and if applicable, guiding you through the university admissions process. They will help you create drafts of your personal statement and support your online UCAS application.