The designated member of staff with responsibility for promoting the educational achievement of children who are looked after is Jamie Beynon, who is the Director of Studentship. He can be contacted by:


Telephone: 02920 498555

The designated person for looked after children will:

  • oversee arrangements in place for the admission of looked after young people
  • monitor, through support with Learner Coaches, attendance, assessment and achievement data of looked after young people
  • facilitate catch up arrangements when the gaps in the young person’s knowledge and education are identified
  • encourage the young person’s engagement with college clubs, the college council or additional revision sessions
  • arrange access to a safe haven or college based counselling if required
  • ensure Personal Education Plans (PEPs) are completed and the multi-agency review meetings can be attended
  • oversee arrangements for when a young person leaves the college as a result of a placement move or at a natural leaving point