The Learner Support Centre (LSC) provides an inclusive and individualistic learning experience for neurodiverse learners. The LSC is the place for support and advice, for students struggling with any aspect of College Life, including those with Additional Learning Needs (ALN).
The LSC team work with students in many different ways, depending on the nature of the specific difficulties and what best suits the individual student. For example, they offer:
- Additional, quiet working space
- One to one academic support
- Advisory appointments
- Referral to welfare services, including College Counselling
- Coordination or support and reasonable adjustments for students with ALN
- Small group support sessions
- Referral to external support
The LSC Team:
The Learner Support Centre is in GS00 in the George Stack building.
If you are unsure of where that is, you can ask reception or a member of staff. Alternatively, you can email
Who can access support?
We can offer advice to any student struggling in College for any reason. Not sure if we can help? Just ask! If we are not able to help in the LSC, we can put you in touch with people who can.
How to get in touch
The easiest way to get in touch with us is by sending us an email to
If your concern is urgent, please let us know and we will find someone for you to talk to straight away.