Application and Course Enrolment Procedure for Sponsored International Students.
To make an application to become a student at St David’s you must:
Fill in our Application Form online, or email to request one.
You should include a carefully considered Personal Statement that includes your reasons for coming to the UK to study.
Attend a guidance session
We will invite you to an informal online meeting, called a guidance session. This is where we can discuss the courses you are considering taking while ensuring that they align with your career plans. We can work with you to find the most suitable courses that fit in with your goals.
This session can help you decide whether studying abroad is right for you and whether you would enjoy the programme. Your parents or guardians can join the meeting if you or they wish to.

Receiving a Conditional Offer
A Conditional Offer letter will be sent to you after the Guidance session. You will need to meet the conditions set out in this letter. This includes providing us with:
- Qualifications that equate with the entry requirements for entry to NQF level 3 study (at least 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above). Qualifications must demonstrate that studying in the college is a progression from their previous education (as above)
- SELT equivalent to CEFR level B1 and higher from an approved provider if applicable
- Passport
- A completed and signed Parental Consent Form from both parents. In cases of sole custody, proof should be provided. Parental consent must include consent for visa application, travel, reception and care arrangements in the UK. Details of these are contained in the form.
- Birth certificate
- Proof of funds. The money must have been in the account for a minimum period of 28 consecutive days up to the date of the closing balance. The account must not have dropped below the amount required at any time during the 28 days. Also, the final date of these 28 days must not be more than 31 days before the immigration application is made
- TB test if applicable
You need to sign and return your Conditional Offer letter to

Receiving an Unconditional Offer
Once you have met all the conditions outlined in our Conditional Offer Letter, you will be issued with an Unconditional Offer. You need to sign and return your Unconditional offer letter to

International tuition fee
You can pay the full fee or a minimum deposit of £1,000. The outstanding balance must be paid by 31 August.
Receive a Confirmation of Study (CAS) Statement
The CAS statement will be sent to you once the total fee or a deposit payment has been made. Now you are ready to apply for your visa to the UK, more information can be found here:

Following the successful application for your visa, we will send you an email inviting you to your Enrolment/Induction Day.
Right to study verification
On the enrolment/ induction day, we will ask you to provide us with the following original documents:
- Passport with stamped vignette and the date entry to the UK stamp
- Your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) card or
- Your visa decision letter and a Share Code, which you can obtain following the link:
- Other evidence includes, but is not limited to, e-tickets or a paper or electronic boarding pass with the date of entry to the UK.

An enrolment form, which is your contract with the college, will be signed on your enrolment day. Enrolling means that you accept the terms and conditions of this contract and confirm your place on the courses you have chosen.
You will be provided with a student ID lanyard and a student number. These secure your access to the facilities, resources, and services that St David’s College provides, and they give you access to your timetable, which means you can start planning.

Once you have completed, signed and dated your enrolment form and undertaken an induction – you are officially registered as a student at St David’s Catholic Sixth Form College.