I am writing to inform you that in line with guidance given to schools, the college will not be open to students on Tuesday 4th January 2022 and Wednesday 5th January 2022. I would like to reassure everyone however that whatever the situation we face in the spring term, the college has already undertaken planning to ensure that a full timetabled curriculum will be available to all of our students throughout the period. Should any students feel vulnerable or need particular support please could they let the college know and we will make arrangements for them to come on to site and receive that the assistance that they need.


I will keep you informed by email and\or through the college website as to any developments that may occur during the Christmas break. Should anyone need to contact the college during the Christmas period please use the designated email address given below.



Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish, you and those closest to you a truly peaceful and joyful Christmas.


Mark Leighfield
