What is the Honours Programme?

In a bid to cater to the individual needs of our learners, we have established a programme designed exclusively for students who show particular academic aptitude.

These will be students who show an interest which goes beyond the normal limits of the classroom, and a desire to explore the sorts of questions that would both expand their world view and improve their ability to engage in academic conversation.

The Honours Programme has seen many of its students go on to read for degrees at Britain’s leading universities in every subject from Art History to Zoology. Our record over the years of helping students achieve their full potential has been recognised and praised by universities, inspectors, parents and students alike.

Who is eligible for the Honours Programme?

The Honours Programme is designed for more able and talented learners. As such, there is a high academic entry criteria.

Typically, we are looking for applicants with 25 points, counting GCSE results as; A* = 3, A = 2 and B = 1. Due to limitations of space, we also take into account the strength of a student’s application and the competitiveness of their achieved grades compared with other applicants at enrolment. We do not normally consider vocational qualifications.

Consideration and contextual offers may be given to learners from backgrounds who are generally less likely to gain entry to the Honours Programme or to applicants with extenuating circumstances.

How to apply - advertisement detailing enrolment to St David's Catholic Sixth Form College for September 2025

Applications for the Honours Programme close on 29th August 2025.