GCSE Science (Double Award) specification provides a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study. This is a 2-year course and at the end of the 2 years, you will gain 2 GCSEs in Science.

The course encourages students to develop confidence in, and a positive attitude towards, science and to recognise its importance in their own lives and to society.

Within this course students will have the opportunity to study the subjects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics to develop their scientific literacy and numeracy skills. GCSE Science is an important prerequisite qualification for many level 3 and university courses.

The course is assessed by examinations in the May/June period and a controlled assessment carried out in lessons. Students will have the opportunity to complete either foundation or higher tier papers for their exams.

Units covered


1: Written examination: 1 hour 15 minutes 15% of qualification


  • 1 Cells and movement across membranes
  • 2 Respiration and the respiratory system in humans
  • 3 Digestion and the digestive system in humans
  • 4 Circulatory system in humans
  • 5 Plants and photosynthesis
  • 6 Ecosystems and human impact on the environment


1 Written examination: 1 hour 15 minutes 15% of qualification


  • 1 The nature of substances and chemical reactions
  • 2 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table
  • 3 Water
  • 4 The ever-changing Earth
  • 5 Rate of chemical change


1 Written examination: 1 hour 15 minutes 15% of qualification


  • 1 Electric circuits
  • 2 Generating electricity
  • 3 Making use of energy
  • 4 Domestic electricity
  • 5 Features of waves



2 Written examination: 1 hour 15 minutes 15% of qualification


  • 1 Classification and biodiversity
  • 2 Cell division and stem cells
  • 3 DNA and inheritance
  • 4 Variation and evolution
  • 5 Response and regulation
  • 6 Disease, defence and treatment


2 Written examination: 1 hour 15 minutes 15% of qualification


  • 1 Bonding, structure and properties
  • 2 Acids, bases and salts
  • 3 Metals and their extraction
  • 4 Chemical reactions and energy
  • 5 Crude oil, fuels and carbon compounds


2 Written Examination: 1 hour 15 minutes 15% of qualification

  • 1 Distance, speed and acceleration
  • 2 Newton’s laws
  • 3 Work and energy
  • 4 Stars and planets
  • 5 Types of radiation
  • 6 Half-life


10% of qualification  Practical assessment that will be carried out in college, but will be externally marked by WJEC. It will take place in the first half of the spring term (January – February). It is recommended that this should be in the final year of study.

GCSE Science is a prerequisite qualification for studying certain A Level and Vocational courses. It provides students with important transferable skills for employment and is vital for university entry into courses such as teaching, nursing and many other professional careers.