History: Modern A Level
AS & A2
A* - C grade: 88.1%
Awarding Body
History: Modern A Level Overview
History (Modern) A Level takes a period of upheaval in Western society and provides learners an opportunity to develop a coherent understanding of the past. The course develops an understanding of British progress politically, socially and economically (1880-1980) alongside coverage of the French Revolution (c.1774-1815). At A2, learners will also study American civil rights and foreign policy, as well as complete coursework chosen from a range of modern and early modern topics.
History is an excellent basis for students who wish to proceed to Higher Education and is one of the recognised ‘facilitating subjects’ that will help students gain access to top Russell Group universities. A traditional and highly regarded qualification, it gives learners high-level skills and works well with most subjects. This course is particularly effective for those wishing to continue into history, law, journalism, archaeology, education, or politics.
AS Level (year 1)
Unit 1: Politics, People, and Progress in Wales and England c.1880-1980
This ‘Period Study’ is focused on the Twentieth Century. An essay-based module, pupils will study the development of the Labour and Liberal governments, unemployment in the 1920s, votes for women, and the impact of war on England and Wales.
Unit 2: France in Revolution c.1774-1815
In year one, students will cover the first half of this topic in a source-based exam. Students will study a topic usually uncovered by the National Curriculum, and learn about the French Revolution. Starting with the late Early Modern period, students will research French society, covering the Storming of the Bastille, the growth of Republicanism, and the overthrow of the monarchy.
A2 Level (year 2)
Unit 3: The American Century c.1890 -1990
In year two, pupils will move on from British study to cover a century of American history. Key figures such as Martin Luther King and President Franklin Roosevelt will be studied, whilst the content ranges from the civil rights movement, to the making of America as a global superpower. Assessment is made by essay-based exam.
Unit 4: France in Revolution c.1774-1815
Pupils will continue their study of the French Revolution, this time covering the period 1792 to 1815. In another source-based exam paper, students will gain an insight into the mass executions of monarchy and aristocracy, the rise of Napoleon, and the wars he led.
Unit 5: Non-Examination Assessment
Pupils will complete a 3,000 – 4,000 word investigation. This will be based on topics studied in Unit 1, and will cover historiographical debate surrounding a particular area subject area.
History is an excellent basis for students who wish to proceed to Higher Education, and is one of the recognised ‘facilitating subjects’ that will help students gain access to top Russell group universities. A traditional and highly regarded qualification, it gives learners high-level skills and works well with most subjects. This course is particularly effective for those wishing to continue into history, law, journalism, archaeology, education, or politics.
6 grade C’s at GCSE, including a grade C in GCSE English. A grade C in GCSE History is advantageous, but not a requirement.