Sociology A Level
AS & A2
A* - E grade: 95.9%
Awarding Body
Sociology A Level Overview
Sociology A Level is a stimulating and dynamic subject. Students study individuals within a social setting, which includes groups, organisations, cultures and societies’ and the inter-relationships between them. Students will also study social institutions such as the family, education, law, politics, the media, and religion.
This A Level course encourages learners to:
- acquire knowledge and a critical understanding of contemporary social processes and social changes;
- understand and evaluate sociological methodology and a range of research methods through active involvement in the research process;
- develop skills that enable individuals to focus on their personal identity, roles and responsibilities within society;
- develop a lifelong interest in social issues with reference to Wales in particular.
Sociology is useful for a range of university courses and careers including community work, housing management, teaching, personnel management, police force, probation service, public sector administration, social work and welfare advice work.
AS Level (year 1)
Unit 1: Acquiring Culture (1 hr 15min written exam)
Section A: this compulsory unit focuses on the key concepts and processes of cultural transmission, including socialisation and the acquisition of identity.
Section B: students develop their understanding of the key concepts and processes of socialisation and culture through detailed study of one of two options: families and households, or youth cultures.
Unit 2: Understanding Society and Methods of Sociological Enquiry (2hr written exam)
Section A: this compulsory unit focuses on methods of sociological enquiry. Learners develop a knowledge and understanding of sociological concepts and key methodological issues.
Section B: this unit develops understanding of the key themes of socialisation culture and identity. This section of the unit also includes consideration of the themes of differentiation, power and stratification through detailed study of one of three options: education, media, or religion.
A2 Level (year 2)
Unit 3: Power and Control (2hr written exam)
This unit focuses on the themes of power, differentiation and stratification with issues relating to social order and social control studied through one of the following options: crime and deviance, health and disability, politics or world sociology.
Unit 4: Social Inequality and Applied Methods of Sociological Enquiry (2hr 15min written exam)
This unit focuses on the themes of social differentiation, power and stratification and on the application of knowledge and understanding of methods of sociological enquiry. The emphasis will be on effective demonstration of knowledge and high level skills of analysis, interpretation and evaluation.
Sociology is useful for a range of university courses and careers including: community work, housing management, teaching, personnel management, police force, probation service, public sector administration, social work and welfare advice work.
6 grade C’s at GCSE, including a grade C in GCSE English.
A grade C in a discursive subject like History, Religious Studies or English Literature can be used as an alternative for English.