To view the current guidance in Wales, click here.
To support you being safe in College, we require your support with the following:
- Symptoms
If you have any of the 4 Coronavirus symptoms or you feel generally unwell please do not come to College. If you feel unwell whilst at college – please let your teacher know and leave site immediately. - Social Distancing
Where ever possible please continue to socially distance whilst on site as you move around college, and in all shared areas. Please stay physically apart from other people as much as you can and avoid physically touching other people. Walk on left in all corridors and stairs and move quickly to next lessons – do not hang around corridors in large groups. You can sit in break out areas in groups of 6. - Cleaning
We have an enhanced cleaning regime on site. Please help us by cleaning your workstation in the classroom and any shared equipment you use with the wipes provided. - Hand Washing
Please wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Also use the hand sanitiser in each room and from the dispensers located around college to keep your hands clean – especially before and after you use any shared equipment.