Swot up on your key words:


Positive responses from universities. You may not need an interview or to send a portfolio and then will just get an offer. Offers can be: Conditional, Unconditional or Unsuccessful see blog post ‘Replying to Your UCAS Offers’ for more information on types of offers.



The grades you get in GCSEs, BTEC, WJEC Diplomas and A-Levels (results are released in mid-August). Confirmation of an offer might depend on your results. 



Responses you make to the offers you receive. Wait until you have offers/responses from all your universities before you make replies regarding your ‘Firm and Insurance’ choices. See blog post ‘Replying to Your UCAS Offers’ 


Once you submit your application you need to wait for your offers. Universities have to respond by the beginning of May if you submitted your application by the Equal Consideration (external) deadline in January. 

If you sent your application after that, but before 30th of June, the need to make offers by mid-July. If you apply after the 30th of June you will go direct into clearing.

Watch your emails for requests for more information, to set up interviews or how to send portfolios. 

It is common for universities to request additional information to determine your fee status. Read emails carefully and send them copies of the documents they require. See blog post about ‘Requests for Copies of Residential Status’ for more information. 

You may be asked to attend an interview before you receive a final response (such as, an offer) – this is very common for healthcare and other competitive courses. Feel free to make an appointment with the Destinations Department for a pre-interview chat or even a mini mock interview: Destinations@stdavidscollege.ac.uk  

Some courses require portfolios. Follow the directions given; they may want them digitally, or they may ask you to bring them when you come in for an interview. 

If you do not hear back straight away, be patient – universities will receive a high number applications that need to be processed. If the university does not give an offer by the deadline you are automatically unsuccessful.


If you change your mind and do not want to accept any of the offers, you can go through ‘Extra’ if it is before the beginning of July. See blog post about UCAS Extra for more information.  

Once you get your offers you need to respond by the deadline given (this could vary from student to student so make sure you put it in your phone so you don’t miss the date!). See the post on ‘Replying to Offers’ for more information. 

After you accept your offer(s) you need to work hard and get the grades so that you have the results you need to meet the conditions of your offer.