St David’s Catholic College, Cardiff, has appointed Geraint Williams as its new Principal, replacing recently retired Mark Leighfield. 

Mr Williams, who has been at St David’s College for over 10 years said “It’s a tremendous honour for the Governors to entrust me to lead the staff and learners into this exciting new period for the college. We’re extremely lucky to have such a strong and unique community here at St David’s College and I am looking forward to being in a position where I can see the young people of South Wales grow academically, mentally and spiritually.”

Mr Williams will now assume the position with immediate effect at the single campus based in Penylan.

Geraint Williams had previously served as Assistant Principal and a science teacher at the college.

He takes over the role from Mark Leighfield, who served as principal for 24 years. Speaking about Mr Leighfield, Geraint Williams says “Mark has been a pillar of this college for such a long time. I want to publicly thank Mark, for his distinguished service to our college and his deep commitment to making it the strong and resilient Catholic community it has become. In particular, he led the college with unwavering resolve during a time of ill health, which the whole community is grateful for.

“I would also like to thank Lisa Newman, Deputy Principal, for her excellent stewardship of the college during this period of transition. I look forward to continuing to work with her, the Senior Leadership Team and all the staff and learners to take the college forward into the future.”

The Chair of the Board of Governors, Deacon Christian Mahoney, says “We will continue to strive to make St David’s College the premier Catholic sixth-form college in Wales and beyond. It is the people of St David’s College that make it what it is, and I am confident that those will now support Mr Williams as he takes over at the helm”.

As St David’s College now transitions into its new leadership, the learners will be focusing on their examinations and progression to what comes next.