Spanish A Level Overview


Spanish A Level studies the following topics with reference to Spanish as well as in a wider global context as appropriate:

Year 1 (AS Level)

Theme 1: (AS) Being a young person in Spanish-speaking society

  • Family structures, traditional and modern values, friendships / relationships
  • Youth trends, issues and personal identity
  • Educational and employment opportunities

Theme 2: Understanding the Spanish-speaking world

  • Regional culture and heritage in Spain, Spanish-speaking countries and communities
  • Literature, art, film and music in the Spanish- speaking world

Year 2 (A Level)

Theme 3: Diversity and difference

  • Migration and integration
  • Cultural identity and marginalisation
  • Cultural enrichment and celebrating difference
  • Discrimination and diversity

Theme 4: The Two Spains, 1936 onwards

El franquismo – origins, development and consequences

  • Post-Civil War Spain – historical and political repercussions
  • The Spanish Civil War and the transition to democracy (represented in the arts, cinema, literature, art and photography)
  • Spain – coming to terms with the past? “Recuperación de la memoria histórica”

As well as the specified topics, AS students will study a film from a prescribed list and A2 students will study a book from a prescribed list.

During the course, pupils may have the opportunity to visit Spain as part of an exchange or trip, as well as regular visits to Spanish cultural events. Pupils also have the opportunity to take part in Student Ambassador programmes with Routes into Languages and Cardiff University.

Pupils will have the opportunity to speak Spanish regularly with a native speaker, and learn about Spanish culture.

AS Unit 1

Speaking Non-exam assessment

  • 2-15 minutes (plus additional 15 minutes preparation time)
  • 12% of qualification
  • 48 marks

Task 1: Arguing a point of view based on a written stimulus card  (5-6 minutes)

Task 2: Discussion based on a second written stimulus card (7-9 minutes)

Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment.


AS Unit 2

Listening, reading, translation and critical response in writing.

  • Written examination
  • 2 hours 30 minutes
  • 28% of qualification
  • 84 marks

Section A: Listening

Section B: Reading

Section C: Translation – from Spanish into English/Welsh

Section D: Critical response in writing

Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment.


A2 Unit 3

Speaking Non-exam assessment

  • 11-12 minutes
  • 18% of qualification
  • 72 marks

Independent research project

Task 1: Presentation of independent research project (2 minutes)

Task 2: Discussion on the content of the independent research project (9-10 minutes)

Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries in any part of the assessment.


A2 Unit 4

Listening, reading and translation

  • Written examination
  • 1 hour 45 minutes
  • 30%  of qualification
  • 100 marks

Section A: Listening

Section B: Reading

Section C: Translation – from English/Welsh into Spanish


A2 Unit 5

Critical and analytical response in writing (closed-book)

  • Written examination
  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 12% of qualification
  • 40 marks

One essay question–based on the study of one literary work taken from the prescribed list

Learners are not permitted to use dictionaries or texts in any part of the assessment.

The ability to speak another language is a definite asset. Modern foreign languages are commonly used in the world of commerce, international business, diplomacy, the world of art, financial services, the media, tourism and technology.

A modern foreign language is relevant and useful for a number of degree courses such as: law, medical courses, business studies, marketing, export management, journalism, media studies, education, and tourism.

6 GCSEs A* – C including a grade B or above in Spanish (higher tier).