Kayra’s Impactful Charity Fundraising Commemorated by King Charles III

Kayra’s team devoted copious amounts of compassion and determination to supporting the charity Cancer Research U.K and Wales throughout the last year, gaining the attention of Buckingham Palace.

In a remarkable gesture, a letter was delivered to Kayra from Buckingham Palace, on behalf of King Charles, commemorating him for his extraordinary commitment and contributions. Driven by a personal goal, Kayra looks to create a ripple effect of support and awareness that would positively impact the lives of many.

“The acknowledgement from the Buckingham Palace arrived on the 29th of January 2024.” says Kayra. This was delightful news acknowledging Kayra’s contributions towards cancer research that year. However, on first inspection of receiving a letter addressed from Buckingham Palace, he “didn’t think it was real until I had thoroughly read and scanned through the letter twice over.”

Despite being such a small team, the determination of Kayra and his friends to raise funds for Cancer Research produced outstanding results, raising approximately £1000 on the day of the event for both Cancer Research Wales and Cancer Research U.K. Congratulations Kayra and team for this fantastic achievement, and striving to make a positive impact in advancing the fight against cancer.

The motivation behind Kayra’s unwavering resolve for the betterment of cancer research stems from a personal loss, having experienced the devastating impact of cancer with the loss of three neighbours in a single year. Kayra says “[we were] presented with a unique opportunity, our motivation was to support Cancer Research’s funds and commemorate the King’s Coronation.”

For Kayra and his team, their goal is to bring about awareness of the availability of help for those in need, both directly and indirectly. “By actively contributing to people’s lives, we aim to create a ripple effect of support and awareness,” Kayra noted. Their mission is not just about fundraising but about inspiring others to join the cause and make a difference within their own communities.

For those considering getting involved with charity fundraising, but not sure where to begin, Kayra offers some advice on where to start.

“Building a cohesive and efficient team is paramount in volunteering. A well-coordinated team allows reaching wider audiences and accomplishing tasks more swiftly. Moreover, good communication skills are equally important when expressing ideas, solutions and supporting people. There are no such things as big and small contributions, what matters is the results and what’s achieved.”

“I would like to emphasise the importance of collective efforts in making a difference. Every contribution, big or small, plays a crucial role in creating a positive impact on the lives of others. The more we share the more we have.”

Although donations to Kayra’s webpage are now closed, you can still donate to Cancer Research UK and Wales:

Donate To Beat Cancer | Cancer Research UK

Home – Cancer Research Wales