This week, St  David’s Catholic College marked Refugee Week with a series of events showcasing our dedication to becoming a College of Sanctuary. Ahead of the UN’s World Refugee Day, Pope Francis said, “we are all called to welcome, promote, accompany, and integrate those who knock on our doors.” This message resonated deeply within our college community, inspiring us to embody these values and heed the Pope’s call to action.

To embrace the buzz surrounding Taylor Swift’s recent visit to our City of Sanctuary, we organised a Swiftie inspired Croeso Bracelet-Making workshops, offering our students a meaningful social opportunity at the end of term to engage creatively and supportively with those seeking sanctuary. The bracelets, along with hygiene products, diaries, colouring books, and toys for the babies accessing the Trinity Centre, were packed by students into welcome bags. These items were warmly received by families at the centre on Wednesday, the 19th. During our visit, families bravely shared their stories, leaving a profound impact. Sadiqha Alam, aspiring to a career in health and social care, was particularly moved by the account of a single mum who had been generously supported by the centre’s Birth Partner Project, before, during, and after the birth of her baby.

Reflecting on the visit, Charlotte Hooper remarked, “To be given the chance to aid others who have not known such kindness for some time was truly moving.” Alicia Reynolds added, “It was enlightening and has motivated me to explore further ways to assist refugees and asylum seekers in our community.” Fflur Angharad, Centre Coordinator, conveyed heartfelt gratitude for our ongoing support and for launching the Welcome Postcard Project. This initiative has now seen enthusiastic participation from hundreds of primary and secondary students citywide. Their poignant designs will be exhibited alongside ours at the National Museum of Cardiff next term.

On Refugee Day, observed on the 20th, we proudly spotlighted our inclusive community with a symbolic gesture—a large circle formed by our students and staff on our astroturf. This powerful display of unity and inclusion was captured by our college drone, creating a lasting image of solidarity and support for those seeking sanctuary.

Through such engagement, our students and staff not only celebrated Refugee Week but also reaffirmed our mission values of love, service, and respect, inspired by Christ. Looking ahead, we are steadfast in our commitment to sustaining these efforts and supporting those seeking sanctuary in our community.